Tag Archives: Bible

25 Ways to #LightTheWorld this Christmas


The Holy Bible is a sacred book that contains the word of God. It foretells the coming of Jesus Christ and describes His life, mission, and sacred role as the Son of God and Savior of the world.

Who Is Jesus Christ? A 60-Second Overview

The Last Days



One of my favorite memories is when my family would get together and have “Family Night” every Monday evening.  My grandparents would come over and we all took turns giving a simple lesson from the scriptures, sometimes even a little presentation to learn more about the gospel. Then we’d have a delicious desert and play all sorts of different games (no tv, computers or videos) we played games like charades and more. Every so often we’d watch “home movies” my grandfather had taken from our summer vacations, holidays or someone’s birthday. Those were Great to watch!!

  • The concept of a united family that lives and progresses forever is at the core of Latter-day Saint doctrine. Within families led by a father and a mother, children develop virtues such as love, trust, loyalty, cooperation and service.
  • According to Church doctrine, a marriage performed in one of the Church’s temples does not dissolve at death as long as the couple remain faithful to their temple vows. Rather, the family relationship continues beyond the grave, and individual family members can progress throughout eternity.
  • In 1995, the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles — the Church’s two highest governing bodies — issued a proclamation explaining the divine nature of the family and how family relationships should be conducted and nurtured. (Read “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.”)
  • In 1915, Church leaders established a program that would urge parents to gather their families around them once a week for an evening devoted to family. Family home evening is a time when parents can teach children principles of the gospel. A typical family home evening includes a prayer, song, short lesson, activity and refreshments. Lessons are taught by parents and sometimes by children.

STYLE GUIDE NOTE:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.


Follow Me, and I Will Make You Fishers of Men

Another Bible Video I enjoyed & what Jesus taught.

Obedience to the 10 Commandments

As children of God, we have been given the wonderful gift of choice. The truest happiness and peace we can have comes by choosing to obey His laws.

Mormon’s aka LDS are Christians

Sometimes it’s misunderstood that Mormon’s are not Christians. However Mormon’s are very much Christian.  The name of their church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also abbreviated LDS. The Mormon name came from a book called “The Book of Mormon”. This is a book of scriptures written by many ancient prophets who lived in the America’s and was abridged by the prophet-historian Mormon.  It was discovered by Joseph Smith Jr., who was guided to where these special plates were hidden in the Hill Cumorah, located in Manchester, New York. Eventually the plates were delivered to Joseph and with the help and power of God he translated these writings.  We are forever grateful for all that Joseph Smith did and the many sacrifices he made in uncovering these sacred records. Yet Mormon’s do NOT worship Joseph Smith Jr., also a misunderstanding. In no way does he take the place of Jesus Christ the Lord, he never will.  The Book of Mormon is a companion to the Holy Bible, they complement each other, they both testify of Jesus Christ. The Mormon’s follow Christ, he is their Savior and Exemplar.




There are many videos from this site, this is one of my favorite.  I pray I may not hear the words “I know you not” 

At the end of each video it displays the bible verse in which it is about. 


Stevie Turner

Author of Realistic Fiction

Mitch Teemley

The Power of Story

Judy's Family History

A family history and genealogy blog: NO LONGER UPDATED

Genealogy Lady

Connecting history to the present generation

Little Tidbits of Genealogy

A Little Something Every Day

cluster genealogy

educating enthusiasts through technology and researching skills

Goodly Pearls

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Matthew 13