ME & M.S.

7/8/2018    I haven’t added to this page in a couple years, only because I’ve been living – – with Multiple Sclerosis which is a daily battle/challenge for me, therefore it keeps me busy. So with this annoying monster I try to see the bright side of a dark day.

On my Pinterest site under Colette Carmona (you’re welcome to view)  I have a file on M.S. with information but just as important are the jokes to keep me going. Gotta laugh I think. That’s why I love these little guys below.

M.S. dwarfs



In talking to different people, at different times and different places, it’s come to my attention it would be a good idea to have a spot to try and explain how I live/deal with this thing called MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS.  

This challenging disease is different for everyone who has it. There are so many variables that it’s genuinely unique for each and every one. It’s just so special ya know. ha, ha.  Please “bear” with me (ha,ha) as I struggle to gather my thoughts and information. Sometimes inside I do feel like a growling bear, because there are Multiple things, this ol’ body goes through every time I must remember past episodes. Or realize I still have to be very, very careful. 

I was diagnosed in 2001, when the left side of my face went completely numb. That meant from the top of my head to the bottom of my chin, even half my nose, and half my mouth was numb. This included the inside as well as the outside, I felt as if I’d gone to the dentist, but didn’t have the swollen feeling. I just couldn’t taste or feel my food at all on that side. That side of  my nose that was numb felt weird, especially when I’d wipe it. I was aware my left eye was opening and closing, and I could see ok out of it, but it didn’t really feel a part of me. 

This was a very interesting experience. Not fun, that’s for sure, but still not life threatening. At first I’d thought it was a reaction from medicine I was taking for a ruptured a disk I had at the time. When I asked my Doctor about that he said it was definitely NOT a side affect and had me get an MRI right away.  He had put together some other symptoms I’d had before this. Such as my left hand was completely numb for over a month. At first he thought it was Carpel Tunnel. I’d been having problems with my left wrist for years.

I was then asked if there were other symptoms before that – well, yes it made sense why I kept running into our coffee table, and a few other things.

As time passed (some days very slowly) I had more and more episodes or what they also call “exacerbation’s” – I never cared for that phrase.

I’ve had the pleasure (ha,ha) of experiencing episodes throughout most of this ol’ body. And now (of course) is when I come to appreciate the recreational  experiences that were so fun and easy to enjoy. Naturally when somethings taken away, it’s appreciated all the more.

Anyway when many people think of MS, they may envision someone who can’t walk. However there are a plethora of other disabling effects that may come about.

There are many, many websites out there that can explain this very well,

below is the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, which has very good information. 

This page below goes directly to the explanation of MS.

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