Tag Archives: Multiple Sclerosis

We Will Drain Your Life Essence

We Will Drain Your Life Essence

From “The Dark Crystal” movie. Been feelin MAJOR worn out, having one of those M. S. episodes – this image popped into my head -Yep, that’s how I feel, lol.  I don’t even have to look into that purple light. But Hey….tomorrow is tomorrow and I look forward to seeing another tomorrow, and that right there makes it good…..I must get back my life essence!, he, he.

Multiple Sclerosis Monster




Dr. Smith’s Pain

from Lost In Space –
Really not feeling very good today, and I thought of Good ol’ Dr. Smith, it made me laugh to remember him say this.

The Dummest Things Smart People Say….

The Dummest Things Smart People Say TO PEOPLE WITH MS
I needed to hear this, needed to find this blog also, just a good thing for me ya know.


Arms are out of order

uhhhg, I’m plinking at the typewriter, lol. My left ARM is on strike for moving up and down and my right WRIST feels like it’s been stepped on. Doing dishes and cooking dinner was NOT fun. So why am I doing this? because this is fun. I’m so lucky to have a husband that’s a great cook – he’s my personal CHEF, and most of the time he makes the meals (working or not).

Welcome to my smorgasbord of Hobbies & Interests, lol.

There is just so much in life to do, I LOVE IT!!

How could anyone ever get bored? I’m not great at managing my time, but each day I do my best. My daily challenge is living with Multiple Sclerosis. But I’m very fortunate not to be in a wheelchair all the time….. only sometimes. 

 Lately I’ve become very interested in Family History, and there is sooo much to do with that. There’s the research, gathering your own family records, learning of their histories is exciting. And then there’s the   pictures that are pretty cool to see. Pictures of the grand parents, great grand parents, and so forth can bring a sense of belonging. 

It’s hard not to explore History while I’m doing Family History. It all goes together, as it should of course, and it’s fun to discover or rediscover.

From my own history, my life experiences, I’ve found quite a few events to write about.  I write short stories and poems. I’ve finished more poems than stories, but I’m workin on them. I like to keep to the cute and funny side of things. 

I’ve always enjoyed crafts – I don’t knit or crochet anymore, so I’ve become interested in scrap-booking. I actually haven’t done too much with this yet, but hope to some day soon, I have lose pictures that can’t be found very easy, I plan on  putting them together with different themes. 

 Baking is a very comforting to me, the scents of cinnamon & nutmeg filling the air are warm and wonderful. Homemade fudge,apple pie and so much more make the kitchen “the” place to be, and the home easily inviting to friends & family. But let’s not forget the healthy foods – the harvest time of canning all those good home grown apples, peaches, tomatoes, ect.  Also drying some to store a different way, and even freezing some. Healthy foods are very important to me, my body can certainly tell the difference. I feel very blessed to be in an area where I’m able to have fresh produce from the backyard – mostly from my neighbor who graciously shares their overabundance.

Stevie Turner

Author of Realistic Fiction

Mitch Teemley

The Power of Story

Judy's Family History

A family history and genealogy blog: NO LONGER UPDATED

Genealogy Lady

Connecting history to the present generation

Little Tidbits of Genealogy

A Little Something Every Day

cluster genealogy

educating enthusiasts through technology and researching skills

Goodly Pearls

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Matthew 13