Tag Archives: Family History

Philadelphia Mormon Temple Reaches Significant Construction Milestone



The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints placed an angel Moroni statueatop the highest spire of its temple in downtown Philadelphia on December 30, 2015. This is a major milestone in the construction of the first Mormon temple in Pennsylvania.

“Mormons in our area have been watching for this visible highlight of the construction period,” said Elder Milan Kunz, an area seventy and senior Church leader for the Philadelphia region. “It indicates the temple is nearing completion and it adds a new image to the skyline of the city.”

Moroni is a prophet from the Book of Mormon, which Latter-day Saints consider scripture and a companion to the Bible for study and teaching. The statue of Moroni is not a figure of worship but rather a symbol of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Construction plans for the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple were announced in 2008, and thegroundbreaking was on September 17, 2011. It will serve around 45,000 Church members from four states. Completion is slated for the fall of 2016 and will include an adjacent church building for Sunday worship services and other congregational activities.


Currently, the closest temples for local Latter-day Saints are in New York and Washington, D.C.There are nearly 170 temples throughout the world in operation, under construction or announced.

“Once completed,” Kunz continued, “we look forward to welcoming our friends and neighbors to the public open house, which will be held over several weeks. While our meetinghouses are open to all, following the temple open house and formal dedication, the temple thereafter will be used only by members of the Church who are actively engaged in the faith, for sacred ordinances such as marriage.”

“Our temples point us to Jesus Christ,” noted Kunz. “These sacred edifices are houses of the Lord and play a key role in strengthening our faith and commitment to follow Jesus Christ and His teachings.”

Mom’s Birthday!!

It’s MAY 1, and it’s our mom’s birthday – or as dad would say “It’s May Day, it’s May Day” ha, ha. He loved to tease her, mom was a good sport. She passed away in April 28, 2006 – just before her birthday. I was talking to one of my sisters about her and thinking of her. And she will always be remembered by all of us because she was a wonderful mother, wife, teacher,person, as was our dad.

I love these pictures of mom and dad having fun. I like the one mom with the happy smile in her graduation picture. She worked hard to become a Registered Nurse in Oct. 1952.


The sweet Proposal

The sweet Proposal

Having Fun

Having Fun

Their younger days

Their younger days

You're gonna what? ha, ha

You’re gonna what? ha, ha

The teasing has begun

The teasing has begun

Our Mom "The" Nurse for all our families

Our Mom “The” Nurse
for all our families

Mom - Looking Very Pretty

Mom – Looking Very Pretty

Yvonne Kay Marshall 16 yrs. old
Yvonne Kay Marshall
16 yrs. old


OneNote Research Plan and Timeline

Thank YOU, I need help keeping organized!

Little Tidbits of Genealogy

On my last blog post I said I would post a screenshot of the research plan and timeline that I am using.

Timeline OneNoteFirst, let me say I cannot take credit for the outlines of these. I did a ton of research on timelines and based mine around Ancestry Anne’s livestream presentation. She does a fantastic job of explaining how they work. I would recommend you watch this to get a better explanation of Timelines. I also add ideas that come to me while entering information from the death certificate.

When creating the research plan I will refer to this page as well. This saved me from switching back and forth between the research page and the timeline. As ideas come to me I make a note here on the timeline. Then later when making a research plan I refer to this page of collective thoughts and ideas.

Research PlanNow for…

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When He Was Young

Great site!!

telling family tales

My nephew had to do a school report recently and decided to do his presentation on his grandpa. His main source of information ended up being a book I did in 2006 about my dad’s childhood. This was the first history type book that I did which with a non-traditional look. No white pages with lots of text and a few photos. I enlisted the help of my niece Kimberli to do some illustrations. She was just starting her artistic training and she tried to do a different style than she was really comfortable so the quality of the drawings is inconsistent but the illustrations still add to the book. It was a learning experience for both of us.

One of my main goals with this project was to make it a more approachable history to read for all ages. And I think that it was at least partly successful…

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A Confession..

I also love to see and/or have the original photos of our ancestors. So glad for you.

A Stitch in Time

Today my steadfast readers I feel I must make a confession. I love genealogy with what is bordering on rabid passion but as some other bloggers know I truly love an original document, specially the photographs. As someone who loves history like I do names, dates and locations are brilliant especially with someone like my second cousin in the family who has a knack for explaining all the bare bones in the most amazing detail. However I love original photos more than anything, I’m not picky about how old they are but I do love the older ones.

Long story short I received an email from my cousin who informed me that I am soon to receive professional copies of the old many times copied photographs of my ancestors I posted a few months ago, only this time they are copies made from the originals! Which makes me one extremely…

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Child Jesus

child_jesus_2I love to see pictures of baby Jesus, there all unique and very special.

Welcome to my smorgasbord of Hobbies & Interests, lol.

There is just so much in life to do, I LOVE IT!!

How could anyone ever get bored? I’m not great at managing my time, but each day I do my best. My daily challenge is living with Multiple Sclerosis. But I’m very fortunate not to be in a wheelchair all the time….. only sometimes. 

 Lately I’ve become very interested in Family History, and there is sooo much to do with that. There’s the research, gathering your own family records, learning of their histories is exciting. And then there’s the   pictures that are pretty cool to see. Pictures of the grand parents, great grand parents, and so forth can bring a sense of belonging. 

It’s hard not to explore History while I’m doing Family History. It all goes together, as it should of course, and it’s fun to discover or rediscover.

From my own history, my life experiences, I’ve found quite a few events to write about.  I write short stories and poems. I’ve finished more poems than stories, but I’m workin on them. I like to keep to the cute and funny side of things. 

I’ve always enjoyed crafts – I don’t knit or crochet anymore, so I’ve become interested in scrap-booking. I actually haven’t done too much with this yet, but hope to some day soon, I have lose pictures that can’t be found very easy, I plan on  putting them together with different themes. 

 Baking is a very comforting to me, the scents of cinnamon & nutmeg filling the air are warm and wonderful. Homemade fudge,apple pie and so much more make the kitchen “the” place to be, and the home easily inviting to friends & family. But let’s not forget the healthy foods – the harvest time of canning all those good home grown apples, peaches, tomatoes, ect.  Also drying some to store a different way, and even freezing some. Healthy foods are very important to me, my body can certainly tell the difference. I feel very blessed to be in an area where I’m able to have fresh produce from the backyard – mostly from my neighbor who graciously shares their overabundance.

Stevie Turner

Author of Realistic Fiction

Mitch Teemley

The Power of Story

Judy's Family History

A family history and genealogy blog: NO LONGER UPDATED

Genealogy Lady

Connecting history to the present generation

Little Tidbits of Genealogy

A Little Something Every Day

cluster genealogy

educating enthusiasts through technology and researching skills

Goodly Pearls

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Matthew 13